Founded in 2018 in Charlotte, NC, the Frnk Design Co. is much more than just a website that exploits a dog’s face and sells mediocre artwork. It’s a movement. It’s a movement that started with a guy (Joe), his dog (Frank), and their journey in life together. Starting with a ‘Free Dog’ ad on craigslist in the fall of 2012 in Ithaca, NY, the next 6 years that Joe and Frank spent together traveling all over the place and figuring out life would ultimately lead to the launch of the company. And while the movement started with a man and his dog, it has become what it is today because of all the cool people they’ve met over the years.
The seemingly random assortment of average artwork is created by Joe in his spare time, while Frank gives moral support and serves as the face of the company. The shop has some merch that gives friends of the Frnk Design Co. a way to wear their support all over the world. And the stickers...the stickers were the jumpstart to the company. Stick that beautiful, dopey face everywhere and tag us @FrnkDesignCo
If you want to get in touch with Joe or Frank, follow @frnkdesignco on instagram and twitter, or email them here --> contact